Ring Sizer


Don’t know your ring size? We do! Take the guesswork out of knowing your ring size and order that ring you've been eyeing with total confidence thanks to the FREE KDJ Ring Size Guide!

Option 1: Measure An Existing Ring

Find a ring that fits the finger you are shopping for, download and print out our free ring sizer, and simply match your ring with the inner circle of your ring.

Option 2: Measure Your Finger

Using the same free ring sizer as above, follow the instructions in the download & use your homemade ring sizer to size each finger. Use the number on the scale to work out your size!

3Essential Tips for Getting Your Ring Sizing Right

☝️Warm up your fingers to a point where they’re not too hot and not too cold (and if anything, on the warmer side).

✌️Make sure you allow enough room in your sizing so that the ring can easily slip over your knuckles.

🤟Each of your ten fingers and thumbs will have their own, unique size. Be sure to measure them all and keep a handy list on your phone!

Still Not Sure?
Contact us over live chat on our website or order our FREE pre-made ring sizer (all you have to do is pay for shipping).

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